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Supernatural - 6.03 - The Third Man - Promo +
спойдер по 6х05
DEAN IS TURNED INTO A VAMPIRE — After a group of young girls go missing; Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) realize that a group of vampires have taken up residence in the small town. After a fight with two of the blood-suckers, Dean is bitten and turns into a vampire... Samuel (guest star Mitch Pileggi) tells Dean he can change him back but he’d have to get the blood of the vampire who turned him. Dean infiltrates the nest and runs into the Alpha... Jan Eliasburg directed the episode written by Brett Matthews (##606).Эх, не зря мне сегодня Дин вампиром приснился. А я то думаю к чему?